The Greater Whole

New York, USA - THIS IS SO GOOD! Dancers Kristin Draucker and Michael Trusnovec put this gorgeous piece together along with a hugely talented selection of dancers from professional dance companies in New York. Be sure to check out the list of dancers below the video. And don’t forget to comment and share!

From Michael Trusnovec:

During this time of great uncertainty, there’s a power in connection, a power in creating something as a community, no matter the distance that separates us.  We hope you enjoy watching this short dance film and will consider making a donation to support the Covid-19 Relief Fund (click here for more info).

The Greater Whole Conceived and Produced by Kristin Draucker and Michael Trusnovec in collaboration with dancers:

Lloyd Knight - Martha Graham Dance Company @lloydknight @marthagrahamdance
Wendy Whelan - New York City Ballet @nycballet
Ephrat “Bounce” Asherie - Ephrat Asherie Dance @ephratasherie @ephratasheriedance
Caleb  Teicher - Caleb Teicher and Company - @calebteicher
Heather McGinley - Paul Taylor Dance Company @heather.mcginley @paultaylordance
Annique Roberts - Ronald K Brown, Evidence, A Dance Company @annicue @evidencedance
Brian Brooks - Brian Brooks Moving Company @brianbrooks_
Ashley Bouder - New York City Ballet @ashleybouder @nycballet
Samuel Lee Roberts -Formerly with Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater
Lauren Grant - Mark Morris Dance Group @laurenm_grant @markmorrisdance
Risa Steinberg - Dancer, Educator; The Juilliard School @risasteinberg
Michelle Fleet- Formerly with Paul Taylor Dance Company @fleet247 @ap_dancefest
Catherine Hurlin - American Ballet Theater @catehurlin @abtofficial
Bryan Arias - @_bryanarias_
Melissa Toogood - Pam Tanowitz Dance, formerly with Merce Cunningham Dance @meltoogood @pamtanowitzdanceofficial
Jovani Furlan - New York City Ballet@jovanifurlan @nycballet

Michael Trusnovec - Formerly with Paul Taylor Dance Company

Kristen Draucker - Paul Taylor Dance Company

“Unaccompanied Cello Suite No. 6 in D Major, BWV 1012” (Instrumental)
Performed by Yo-Yo Ma @yoyoma
Courtesy of Sony Classical
By arrangement with Sony Music Entertainment


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