The Social Distancing Festival

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And In Time

London, UNITED KINGDOM - Born out of the the need to explore virtual collaboration, this dance piece was sent to us by Audrey Berger and Alex Mills, the creators, and it is just beautiful. Audrey Berger is the choreographer, and also filmed the piece, while Alex Mills edited the video and composed the music.

This is such a gorgeous example of how art is being influenced by social distancing, and the two dancers, Venla Niitemaa & Elyssa Sena, are just UNREAL.

From the submission:

Audrey Berger and Alex Mills, both recent graduates from the London Contemporary Dance School and Guildhall School of Music, decided to virtually collaborate in creating a screen dance film. They had previously collaborated in a ten minute length piece called, The Body Keeps the Score, which was performed in London at The Place in December 2019. They wanted to see how collaboration could work virtually, and the affects working remotely had on the communication and creation process when composing a piece.