Cavalcade of Dreams

Los Angeles, CALIFORNIA, USA - This virtual exhibit was sent us to by the sculptor, Debbie Korbel, and we are obsessed! Along with painter, Ellen Rose, these two artists have collaborated on an exhibit that is so unique and so fun. Please click the link at the bottom of the page to experience this magical exhibit!

From the submission:

“A two-person exhibit by sculptor, Debbie Korbel and painter, Ellen Rose, "Cavalcade of Dreams" presents the circus through the eyes of someone in the midst of an anesthetized dream. Reality is askew--everything is a bit off, eccentric, out of alignment--yet recognizable.

The show was able to have an opening reception, but then was forced to close due to social distancing requirements. At the moment, the exhibit "Cavalcade of Dreams" is part of the global nightmare--and it is currently locked in the gallery at Riverside City College until restrictions are lifted.”

For more information about each artist, visit their official websites:

Ellen Rose

Debbie Korbel

Lovers 2 - Copy.jpg

Nathan Peterson


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