The Social Distancing Festival

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Coro Los Peñascales Sings “The Lamb” by John Travener 

Madrid, SPAIN - This gorgeous piece begins with a reading in Spanish of Willian Blake’s poem, “The Lamb,” followed by a choral rendition of the poem by British composer John Travener, who died in 2013. The piece was recorded individually by the choir members of Coro Los Peñascales from home and sent to conductor Marcelo Gándaras to create this video. Initially, the videos were made to send support to a colleague who was hospitalized due to COVID-19, now recovered. Then they continued recording the pieces, including the most difficult of all, "The Lamb" by John Travener.

From the submission by the company:

In Spain the Government declared a "State of Alarm" the 14th March 2020 so a lockdown was applied to all the citizens, with just allowance to leave our homes to buy groceries or other essential needs. Our choir has to stop the activity and 2 concerts were cancelled on 29th March (sacra music concert previuos Easter at Las Matas Church and then 29th April (concert at Las Matas library), please find attached the posters we did to announce the concerts. 

Educational Virtual Concert uploaded by Las Matas Library, Madrid: