The Social Distancing Festival

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Manchester, UNITED KINGDOM - This absolutely stunning performance video was sent to us by Kellie Colbert, the creator of the piece. This video is haunting, personal and gorgeously put together. This piece was supposed to be developed into a live theatrical performance, but due to social distancing, Kellie created this video instead. Enjoy taking a peek into her creative mind!

From the submission:

Root is an autobiographical performance video that aims to raise awareness around Mental Health, most specifically Trichotillomania.  This piece is an illustration of the struggles of living with Trichotillomania, a compulsive desire to pull out one’s hair, and the strain it puts on everyday life. Due to Covid-19, this piece has been disrupted from being developed into a contemporary theatre performance. 

For more information about Kellie Colbert, follow her on social media!

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