Stories of Kcymaerxthaere

Los Angeles, California, USA - Okay, this project is the coolest. For anyone who is missing travelling while keeping isolated, this global-scale art project is something you NEED to check out. Submitted to us by the Kcymaerxthaere team, #StoriesOfKcymaerxthaere is a virtual version of this expansive and ever-growing art project. While it isn’t safe travel, this online series gives us a chance to see artist and presenter Eames Demetrios’ incredible installations and the stories behind them from the comfort of our own homes.

From the official website (Which also shows you where every installation is around the world!), Kcymaerxthaere is described as, “the name of an alternative universe that co-exists to some degree with ours. It was–and continues to be–presented by Geographer-at-Large Eames Demetrios. Its name comes from two Cognate words: kcymaara, which means the true physicality of the planet, and the word xthaere, which is a shape with almost an infinity of dimensions or sides— infinity minus 29, to be precise. This parallel world is largely consistent in certain ways with our physical world, but with different stories, creatures, rules, even laws of physics.”

A map of Kcymaerxthaere

A map of Kcymaerxthaere

Beginning in 2003, Eames began installing ‘markers’ and ‘historical sites’ that represent events from this alternate universe. Now there are over well over 100 all around the world, and the project is always growing. For more information about the project, please read this amazing article published on the BBC.

From the submission:

While it isn't safe to travel (and hence create new installations), we wanted to devise a way to bring the stories of Kcymaerxthaere to our followers and beyond so that we can continue to travel the parallel world, even if just in our imaginations. We wanted to make the storytelling as simple as viewing in the palm of one's hand. so we started an IGTV series called #StoriesOfKcymaerxthaere (also available on Youtube). We have a new episode approximately every week.

Below is the FIRST episode of the #StoriesOfKcymaerxthaere! You can watch the episodes weekly on IGTV or on the official youtube page!

For more information about this amazing project, follow them on social media:

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Traveling Books Project


Yabsira Desalegne