The Quarantrio

Toronto, CANADA - When life gives you lemons… sing about it in perfect harmony. Georgia Bennett, Joel Cumber, and Kelsey Verzotti are not only three extremely talented performers in Toronto, they’re also roommates. Faced with lost work and with fewer auditions on the horizon, these three created the Quarantrio, covering a variety of songs in stunning, perfect three-part harmony. And HOLY CRAP they are good. I honestly listen through their YouTube playlist almost on the daily.

These three, who are also a part of the most recent Long Distance Art Series, generously allowed us to post a few of their videos. Check these out, then head to their YouTube channel here to listen to the rest. Oh yeah… and you should definitely share with all your friends.

Oh yeah…. and you’re welcome.


Cloud 9 Pavilion, Bangkok Biennial 2020


IT Dansa presents “Whim” from home